Effective mathematics instruction includes conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, problem solving, and its human dimensions. Students need to learn math in a logical, sequential manner, and commensurate with their maturity and personal experiences. Continual connections should always be made between past mathematical understanding and new concepts; connections between concrete experiences, pictorial representations, symbols, and algorithms. Teacher clarity and content knowledge are essential. Immersing students in relevant mathematics language and vocabulary, dialogue, experiential learning, collaborative construction of meaning, independent practice and reflection are all components of a balanced math approach.

Click on the Titles below to go directly to these resources contained in this section.

  • There are commonalities amongst all mathematics curricula in Saskatchewan. These important components drive high quality instruction across grade levels, communities of learners, and classrooms in our province.
  • Find key instructional strategies and tools to support learners at all levels.

Quick Links

Click below for more specific support in the following areas within Instructional Approaches:

  • Differentiation in Instruction: How do teachers meet the needs of all levels of learners in their responsive day to day instruction?
  • Intervention What is the SaskMATH definition of intervention? How are “Intervention” and “Differentiated Instruction” distinguished from one another?
  • Tiered intervention in Math: What considerations need to be made for levels of intervention support?
  • Understanding the progression of learning supports differentiation and appropriate instruction to build on previous knowledge and consolidate learning effectively.
  • Technology is a tool that supports mathematicians in efficiency, application and creation of knowledge.

1Joseph, B. (2020). 15 Strategies for Teachers of Aboriginal Students. Retrieved 5 July 2020, from https://www.ictinc.ca/blog/15-strategies-for-teachers-of-aboriginal-students

2Gabriel Dumont Institute. Strengthening Our Voice: A Guide for Engaging First Nations and Métis Peoples in Public Schools. Retrieved 5 July 2020, from https://saskschoolboards.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/11-02.pdf

3Joseph, B. (2020). eBooks. Retrieved 5 July 2020, from https://www.ictinc.ca/free-ebooks?hsCtaTracking=de17646c-1305-4d1e-92ec-55c38ddb1087%7Cb0c0c156-5bed-4f77-bed6-1465cf478a8c.