Formative Assessment Screeners

In this section you will find links to the Assessment tool for students, teachers and the Answer key. You will also find the spreadsheet that you can download and use to record your student data. These Data Collection Templates are set up such that they provide information instantly through complex formulas and formatting. Please feel free to download them and save them to your division or school data resource files.


These Math Screeners were developed in response to the need expressed by teachers for a tool that would aid them in identifying specific skills and concepts where there were ‘gaps.’ Having this data will allow teachers to respond more effectively to students’ learning needs.

  1. The screeners are intended to act as a form of formative, NOT summative, assessment. They are intended to provide teachers with information on what students understand in order to inform decisions around instruction, grouping, differentiating, and interventions.
  2. The screeners are not an example of strong assessment practices. Strong assessment triangulates data through conversations, observations and artifacts to provide a complete picture of student understanding.
  3. The screeners are not diagnostics. However, they may indicate a need for deeper exploration through diagnostic assessments.
  4. Speed in processing is not a strong indicator of conceptual understanding. Thus, the amount of time required to complete the screener should not be limited. However, teachers may want to take note of those students needing excessive time as that may be an indicator of a lack of understanding.
  5. Students who are not working on grade level outcomes are expected to complete the screener which best reflects their current programming. The decision to administer a screener that does not align with a student’s grade level should be made in consultation with an in-school administrator as well as an SST. Documentation, such as an IIP or a report card insert, is necessary to support this decision.
  6. Many of the questions can be answered in a variety of ways. For instance, an answer may be given in numerals or in words. Symbols may or may not be included. If asked to draw a picture, a variety of representations are acceptable. The intent of each question is to ascertain whether students understand the concept. With ascertaining competency and understanding as the goals, please exercise professional judgement when technicalities present themselves.
  7. Calculators: Students should not require calculators. These screeners look for competency in basic understanding of numbers. Questions are designed to be at a level students should be able to do without a calculator. If a student is unable to complete a question without a calculator, mark it as incorrect. The need for a calculator may be indicating a gap that may need to be addressed.
  8. Prompting: A conscious effort was made to use common curriculum language and commonly used models. However, it must be acknowledged that language and models can differ slightly from classroom to classroom. Clarification and prompting may be required to ensure student understanding of questions. Please exercise professional judgement when providing clarification or prompting.
  9. The Data Collection Template must be downloaded before data can be entered.

Student Screeners Gr. 2 – 91: 

See Learning Stages and Scope & Sequence to see how curricula connect from previously learned content to current, grade level content, to the next level of understanding.

Outcomes and indicators frame and verify the understandings and skills for specific grade levels or courses. Teachers often go to the outcomes first. These are not addressed specifically in this resource. Rather, teachers are encouraged to review the front matter of all curricula which are summarized in this section. It should be noted that “indicators” offer examples of demonstrating understanding in a particular outcome. It is not necessary that all indicators are demonstrated for a student to meet the outcome.

Outcomes and indicators frame and verify the understandings and skills for specific grade levels or courses. Teachers often go to the outcomes first. These are not addressed specifically in this resource. Rather, teachers are encouraged to review the front matter of all curricula which are summarized in this section. It should be noted that “indicators” offer examples of demonstrating understanding in a particular outcome. It is not necessary that all indicators are demonstrated for a student to meet the outcome.

(These data sheets will help you visually see where students are experiencing gaps individually and collectively as a class)

Screener Data Collection Template (Google sheet template)

Screener Data Collection Template (downloadable excel file)

Ready to Use Screeners by Grade Level

PDF documents as well as editable word documents may be downloaded below. Grade level indicated by “code” at the bottom of the page (i.e. grade 2 entry is 2.1, grade 2 follow up is 2.2, grade 3 is 3.1 and 3.2; and so forth.) 

1Screeners used with permission from Good Spirit School Division. The GSSD Math Screeners are a collaborative effort, created by Cindy Smith, Arlene Prestie,Michelle Pfeifer, Candice Gale, Tenille Flick and Lana Steiner and vetted by the GSSD Math Intervention Team. Thank you to Saskatoon Greater Catholic School Division, Saskatoon Public School Division, and Prairie Valley School Division for their generous sharing and collaborating.